Availability searches for names, slogans and logos

Our services

Trademark availability searches in Canada, the United States and other countries

Doing an availability search before finally choosing your trademark can save you from serious problems and from wasting time, money and advertising efforts on a trademark that will not hold up. 

We offer several types of searches tailored to your needs to ensure that the way is clear.

Searches for identical or similar trademarks in Canada, the United States and anywhere in the world

Risk analysis and determination of the freedom to use a word, slogan or sign

Development of strategies to overcome any obstacles identified

Avoid costly disputes before choosing your name. Make sure your trademark is available.

Why choose us?

Reputable Trademark Agents

Fixed costs and no surprises

Variety of research within reach of all budgets.

Increased efficiency

Specialized research tools and detailed reports.

We work for you

Interruption of the search in case of obvious confusion.

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We are recognized by these trademark organizations.